Lisa Roberts blog


Science of morality

Filed under: Literature — Lisa @ 08:14

Fiery Cushman is a moral psychologist at Harvard University who writes:

A lucid dream has three phases. First you experience the dream as reality. Then you recognise it as a product of your mind. Finally, you gain the power of control.
Morality is proceeding along similar lines (2010, New Scientist, 16 October, p.41).

Others who write (2010, New Scientist, 16 October) about theirunderstandings of morality include:

Peter Singer, Professor of bioethics, Princeton University
Paul Bloom, Developmental psychologist, Yale University
Joshua Knobe, Experimental philosopher, Yale University
Sam Harris, Author and neuroscientist
Samantha Murphy, Writer
Patricia Churchland, Philosopher of neuroscience, University of California and the Salk Institute, San Diego
Martha J.Farah, Director for Neuroscience and Society, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

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